Hengyi Space

视觉形象 VI
Hengyi Space又名恒艺空间,是位于浙江省杭州市的一个画廊兼艺术空间。

确实被委托负责恒艺空间的 VI 视觉系统设计。设计的主要灵感来源于画廊里错落生动的灯光布置。灵活多变的 Logo 组合结构可满足空间不同的尺寸应用需求,同时,Logo 图形的缩放变化增加了视觉的活泼生动感。

Hengyi Space is an art gallery located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Queshi was commissioned to design the visual identity system for Hengyi Space. The design was inspired by the flexible ambient lighting system in the space. With the various logo combinations, the design also meets the need for flexible platform displays.