Almost Tower

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几乎之塔的创作灵感来源于泰特林之塔。塔特林塔(Башня Татлина)也称为第三国际纪念碑(Памятник III Коммунистического интернационала),是苏联建筑师弗拉基米尔·塔特林所设计的建筑,不曾建造完工。塔特林塔计划在1917年布尔什维克革命后建造在圣彼得堡,作为共产国际(第三国际)的总部及纪念碑。

The design inspired by Tatlin Twoer. Tatlinʼs Tower, or the project for the Monument to the Third International (1919–20), was a design for a grand monumental building by the Russian artist and architect Vladimir Tatlin, that was never built. It was planned to be erected in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, as the headquarters and monument of the Comintern (the Third International).